Podiatry Mentone medicine is an area of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various disorders of the lower limb, foot, ankle and even lower legs. This includes disorders such as arthritis, bursitis, fractures, deforming conditions such as congenital abnormalities, infections, orthopedic conditions, tendonitis, muscle problems, nerves and bone disorders. The most common type of disorder is tendonitis, which involves inflammation of the tendons at the junction of the foot and the ankle. Other types include fractures, ankle sprains, foot and ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, fractures of the heel bone, corns and calluses, hammer toe, manus and foot pain, kidney stones, podiatry cysts, sports injuries and whiplash.
A podiatrist Melbourne is usually employed by a GP (General Practitioner) in the United Kingdom, or a licensed practitioner in another country. There are no national licensing requirements for podiatrists in the United Kingdom. The National Health Service (NHS) provides a list of approved podiatry clinics and doctors who may provide the services under the National Health Services (NHS). A GP or licensed practitioner can also refer their patient to a podiatrist.
The education required to become a podiatrist is a four-year degree from an accredited college of Podiatry, which is generally a University of London, a College of Armed Medicine, or a University of Edinburgh. Many NHS Trusts and private medical practices may also offer a podiatry course, although these programs are not recognized or authorized by the NHS. A further two years of qualified training as a radiographer, medical sonographer or qualified medical assistant at a junior or college campus may be obtained at the option of the student.
A licensed practitioner will generally sit on the board of a podiatry clinic in Cheltenham (for example) and attend a specialised Masters level program, which is often called a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). At the Masters level, students learn about the human body, physiology and anatomy and study medical ethics. Once a suitable candidate has been selected, he/she will then complete a two-year residency in a podiatry center, during which time he/she will have the opportunity to train in the latest equipment and technology. During the final year of study, students will undertake the nationally accredited International Certificate for Dental Surgery (ICD) – which covers the most common procedures in adults. After this, students will sit the UK Board examination for Dental Specialist (BDS) and obtain a DDS certificate.
In the United Kingdom, a number of organizations offer courses in podiatric medicine. At the Association of Podiatric Medicine, located invernacular England, a few undergraduate and master’s level courses are offered, as well as postgraduate and diploma programs. The American Podiatric Medical Association (AMMA) and the American Academy of Podiatric Medicine offer similar courses in podiatry. In Canada, there are several colleges and universities that offer courses in podiatry. At the University of Edinburgh, one can pursue a Bachelors Degree in Podiatric Medicine, or a Masters in Podiatric Medicine. At Dalhousie University in Halifax, you can pursue a Bachelors of Arts in Podiatry Medicine.
Podiatry training also includes a number of electives, such as anthropology, cardiology, endocrinology, general health, geriatrics, medical terminology, pharmacology, psychology, physical therapy, pathology, physiology. After completing a course in podiatry, a podiatrist may choose to further their education by taking additional courses, such as one to two years at an academic medical school or one to three years in an internship, with a focus on a particular field of podiatry. Some podiatrists specialize in specific areas of the body. An experienced podiatrist will be able to find work easily in the field of his/her choice, providing the benefits of a varied practice.